I spend a bunch of my time making life better for creative people.


I learned fast and young how to run my own agency and ever since then I’ve wanted to share my knowledge with other creative people trying to make a name for themselves.

  • I am a co-founder of Art of Freelance, an incubator that helps independent creatives accelerate their careers by offering the structure and accountability needed to complete their most important projects.

  • I consult with individual creatives, entrepreneurs and small firms to help them figure out how to spend most of their time doing what they actually want to be doing, how talk about the work they do, and how to get paid well for it. 

  • My brilliant friend and founder of  The Hell Yeah Group, Paco and I teach a class called Getting Laid and Getting Paid. It's for independent creative people who get weird about money. The class will help creatives understand the value of their work, figure out how to communicate about it and get paid well for it all through the lens of love and intimacy <3. The next class is on Tuesday, June 5 from 7-9pm at the Makers Mess in Silver Lake, LA. RSVP to reserve your spot.

  • I care deeply about our relationship to technology, how it is affecting our sense of self and our creativity. Missing the transformative power of the 20 childhood summers I spent at camp, I became a counselor at Camp Grounded, a digital detox summer camp for adults. I will always answer to Chiquita.